Monday, March 22, 2010

Warriors for Sale

According to an AP Report, the Warriors have announced that the team is for sale.

Likely buyer? Oracle Corp. CEO Larry Ellison. It must be nice to have crazy, I made it through the bubble burst, tech money!


  1. As long as they keep playing super fun Nellie ball, I'm fine with a sale.

  2. I love Nellie ball. It's like win or loose, you know they will score 100 and Nellie will look really angry for a guy who is likely stoned.

  3. I read a little piece on Ellison. Apparently, he's a bit of a hypercompetitive Napoleon type dude.

    This could be good for the NBA, if Ellison doesn't make changes just to make changes like some new owners. (Hi, Phoenix).

  4. So we could have another crazy Cuban type? Amazing.

  5. worse than Cuban.

    Cuban has fortunately curbed his meddling instincts a bit.

    Ellison strikes me as impatient, which is bad for a coach and bad for winning. I can see Ellison trying to lure Carlisle or Popovich or even Jackson to GS to coach. But, if Nellie's out, I bet Avery Johnson will be in.
